Are you the next David Mackenzie, Lynne Ramsey or Bill Forsyth?  If so, get the actors in place and make sure the clapper-board is oiled as The Forest is about to make you an offer you can’t refuse.

The Forest, Edinburgh’s volunteer-run, collectively-owned, free arts and events charity, is holding a forty-eight hour Film Hunt in co-operation with Leith’s Word of Mouth Café.  Teams have until Wednesday, 12 October, to sign up via an email to The Forest at  The event then starts on Friday 14 October at 1700 in the Word of Mouth Café on Albert Street.  There the teams will pick the filming location and theme for their short film before heading off onto the streets to write, film and edit their masterpiece.  The
films must be no longer than ten minutes and must be submitted by 1800 on Sunday 16 October, again at the Word of Mouth Café.  Participants will then have the chance to view all submissions before a judging panel will award various surprise prizes.

This event follows The Forest’s three successful fund-raising events during September.  Margarida Jorge, Forest volunteer and organiser of the event, said:-

“We wanted to remind people that The Forest is not just about buy 3 Bristo Place but that our main purposes is to ensure everybody and anybody has access to the arts.  The Forest is about having fun with your friends and creating something in the process.  Our latest forty-eight hour Film Hunt gives people an opportunity to boss their friends around, demand silence on the set and have fun in the process.  Just because the Forest is without a home at the moment doesn’t mean we’ve stopped supporting the arts in Edinburgh or giving people the opportunity to be creative.  We have more events planned over the next few months – some are fund-raisers, some are an opportunity for people to be creative and some are both.  The Forest isn’t a building, it is the people involved in the charity and what we create.

Kirsty and Nina from the Word of Mouth Café, said:-“We wanted to help and support The Forest during their current situation.  The café has been selling cookies throughout September with all proceeds going to the Save the Forest campaign.  This was a chance for us to get involved with an event and show that support doesn’t just have to be about money.  I know some will say that The Forest is a potential competitor but it is so much more than a café.  Edinburgh needs a free arts and events space and we’re happy to help ensure that the Forest can provide that.

As Rick Blaine would say, “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!”

You can also help the Save the Forest campaign by pledging money with WeFund a different kind of charity giving, in that you will get something for your money. Pledge £25 for the Forest campaign and you will get a burrito meal!