Allotments, The Edinburgh ReporterThree new allotment sites are to be opened this year – as the demand for gardening space continues to grow.

To address a shortage of allotment space, three new sites are due to open this year at India Place, Inchkeith Court and Dumbryden.

Demand for allotments has now reached nearly 2,500 which is an increase of 96 since the Council launched a special Allotment Strategy last year. The waiting list was taking anything between four and seven years before the consultation and part of the response is to introduce more allotment sites across the city.

Last year the Council launched “Cultivating Communities: A Growing Challenge” Strategy which you can read again below.

The strategy, examined the need to find and create more allotment plots – and a search started to identify potential new sites.

As well as the obvious health benefits, a typical allotment can provide fruit and vegetables for a family of four all year.

Councillor Robert Aldridge, Environmental Convenor for the City of Edinburgh Council, said:

“In launching these three new allotment sites, we are hoping to build on the success of our original allotment strategy as well as supporting the increased number of people on the allotment plot waiting list.

“Allotments are excellent for contributing to a year-round healthy lifestyle and help to promote sustainability and well-being. People enjoy growing their own vegetables and flowers and these three new spaces will be a much needed boost for the city in future years.”

The Edinburgh Reporter, Allotment sheds

Allotment Strategy

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