Telereal Trillium is hosting the first of two planned community consultation exhibitions regarding its proposals for the former Woodcroft Telephone Exchange on Pitsligo Road. The first drop-in exhibition is being held on Thursday 19 May 2011 between 2pm and 8pm at The South Wing, Eric Liddell Centre, 15 Morningside Road.

It is proposing the demolition of the existing buildings and the redevelopment of the site for residential development. It follows around 18 months of pre-application discussion, principally with The City of Edinburgh Council and Historic Scotland, to find a viable regeneration solution for the site.

Anyone with comments regarding the proposal is being directed to the feedback forms that are available at the exhibition or it is possible to write to Caroline Owen, GVA, Quayside House, 127 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9QG, with any comments, no later than 3rd June 2011.

Final Invite to Issue-1

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