Following the apparently successful campaign to stop the demolition of the Earthy building at Canonmills Bridge, an appeal by the developer has been allowed and the building will be demolished.
We reported late last year on the campaign to Save 1-6 Canonmills Bridge, and from their Facebook page it would appear that they hope to take further action.

GRIM NEWS. This has just arrived by email. The appeal has been allowed. The Reporter has concurred with the owners and…

Posted by Save 1 – 6 Canonmills Bridge on Thursday, 28 January 2016

The Reporter who considered the appeal said: “Against these key elements which distinguish the area, I consider the building is atypical.

“It is essentially a simple and functional mid 19th Century small scale mainly brick built industrial building, which appears to have served the area as shops throughout most of its existence. It has been the subject of various ad hoc adaptations throughout its life and is now built of mixed materials.

“At present it is particularly well presented at street level by its current occupiers as an organic food grocers and restaurant and is clearly valued by the local community. However, I do not consider that its current occupation and use is relevant to the question of the intrinsic value of the building itself to the special interest of the conservation area.”

Commenting on the news, Deidre Brock MP said:

“This is a very disappointing decision. The fantastic local campaign to save 1-6 Canonmills Bridge demonstrated the strength of feeling against demolition.

“The planned development is an inappropriate size for the site, and will close down the sense of space in this central hub area of Canonmills. It’s very sad that a building with such character will be bulldozed for a bland housing block.

“I’ll continue to support the campaign as they consider whether there are any further avenues to halt this decision.”

This is the appeal decision in full:

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.


  1. I sincerely hope this does get taken to the Court of Session. Even if that requires setting up a crowdfunding appeal to cover legal costs. Should that end up happening, don’t get caught out like the Orkney four; set up some sort of legal entity to shield people from vindictive action by the developers in case an appeal fails.

  2. This is so dissappointing. The whole look and feel of the area will change and be really enclosed with shadows covering the whole area making it darker than it needs to be. We couldn’t put 5 slate patio tiles onto a basement patio but they can do this.. I would love to know what the kickbacks were.

  3. Our thoughts are with you. Lutton court and Homebase Student Housing Developments both were rejected by the Council Planning Committee only for the Reporter to overturn their decisions. Lutton Court was attempted to be taken to the Court of Session only for the appeal to fail at the first hurdle. The people appealing the decision were left around about £28,000 out of pocket. Marco Biagi the junior minister for Planning and Community Empowerment recently got a bill through that was lauded as a bill to allow community empowerment. This is a joke no one organisation other than developers have the funding to prevent this sort of thing happening again and again. The politicians are allowing this stuff to go through, it does not matter which party they are associated with, be they Liberal, Labour, SNP, Conservative etc. they all seem to be in the pockets of the developers for some reason (this also appears to be the case for the so-called “independent” reporters). The city will soon be a fairground for tourists and students and all the good citizens of Edinburgh will live in the outskirts. BEWARE

  4. NO NO NO NO NO – this is a disgrace! It is NOT a developmental site and should be left as it is – one of the most beautiful local internal landmarks in Edinburgh. Canonmills does not need any more flats or houses. The heron will not stand in the water there again if the area is any more polluted by construction.

  5. No surprise – in Edinburgh the odds are always pitched against the interests of the citizen, and the results are usually fixed, even when our councillors do vote the right way – note the illegal demolition of three B listed buildings in St Andrews Square, the hideous proposed Dog-poop hotel by US Pension giant TIAA-CREF, who are actually getting a 61.4m subsidy from the taxpayer. No doubt the Royal High School ‘Mickey Mouse Ears’ proposal will be taken to appeal after this. The city’s finished.

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