Further refurbishment work at the Nelson Monument will lead to its temporary closure.
The final phase of renovating the monument will include inspecting the external...
Edinburgh City Council ‘aided and abetted’ crime by paying unlicensed landlords to home families for two years without action, it has been claimed.
An investigation...
The Council has announced the cancellation of all "non-essential" council services on Friday due to the anticipated extreme weather conditions.
The Met Office has issued...
Leith’s Pride Bridge is set to become the centrepiece of a new public open space for the community after Edinburgh City Council backed plans to regenerate...
Neil Cuthbert is standing as the Conservative candidate in Colinton/Fairmilehead in this week's by-election. He lives in the ward and hopes that his local...
Edinburgh city council has added 40 new properties to its social housing list after buying more homes from the Ministry of Defence.
The council’s Finance...
Residents of Colinton/Fairmilehead are reminded that voting takes place on Thursday in the second by-election in three months.
There are two councillor vacancies to...
After several years of discussion and consultation, the final draft of Edinburgh’s proposed tourist tax has been published. It will be considered by councillors...
Short term holiday let owners in Edinburgh have been dealt a blow after councillors rejected 18 separate appeals in one meeting today.
Operators of the...
Labour’s minority administration has clung on to power after a two-hour debate in the city Chambers.
The party, which has been propped up by Conservatives...
A by-election is being held in Colinton/ Fairmilehead on 23 January to fill two vacant councillor positions and today the council has announced those...
The City of Edinburgh Council will be asked to approve the appointments recommended by the Recruitment Committee to two important roles in the council....