UK Government Scotland Office Minister Kirsty McNeill joined the Scottish Book Trust at Wester Hailes High School to celebrate the achievement of Core Reading School status.

During the visit Ms McNeill met the Edinburgh school’s Reading Leadership Group to learn about their success in building a literacy culture and their aspirations for further achievement.

The Reading Schools accreditation programme, delivered by the Scottish Book Trust, represents an innovative approach to embedding reading culture in schools.

Ms McNeill said: “It was a privilege to visit Wester Hailes High School – I was truly impressed with the students and staff I met and applaud their achievement of Core Reading School status.

“The development of strong reading skills very much dovetails with the UK Government’s pledge to deliver a decade of national renewal and opportunity for all through our Plan for Change. Literacy is a crucial tool in breaking cycles of poverty and by working together we can ensure no community is left behind in Scotland’s future success. I congratulate the Scottish Book Trust and Wester Hailes High School’s ambition and commitment to equipping students with skills that will serve them and the country throughout their lives and careers.”

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