Postal Bowling Club’s second 16 have won Division Two of the Edinburgh Bowling Association League, sponsored by Alpha Trophies.

One row of team members in team kit standing behind others sitting

Postal played 12 games in a seven team league and won ten of them to collect 77 points. The runners up were Maitland Bowling Club with 68 points. Tanfield, Wardie, Leith, Parkside and Mayfield also fielded teams in the league.

Pictured are:  Back row – left to right: Stevie Devlin, Stephen Devlin, Colin Forfar, Craig Melville, Paul McCathie, Nick Maycock, Euan McCardle, Kevin McNulty and Keith Anderson.

Front row standing – Davie Melville. Sitting – Gavin Pinkerton, Paul Cameron, Scott McCardle, Keith Lennox, Willie Murray, Lewis Melville and Eddie Cochrane.

Postal Bowling Club

If your team has any sports news then feel free to email Bill Lothian with your updates.

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