The Leith Central Community Council meets on Monday evening at the Nelson Hall, McDonald Road Library at 7pm.

The full agenda is below and the draft minutes from last month’s meeting are at this link here. Discussion will include traffic issues and the works at Coalie Park. The community council will also look at the Powderhall Railway Path and its future as a green corridor.

The community council also discussed council plans to remove the planters from Leith Walk and said: “Planters are being mistreated, but they are a legal obligation (to replace removed trees). CEC does not have needed resources to maintain them.”

The council has said it will move them elsewhere owing to the planters and the trees within them being subject to anti-social behaviour along the tram route. The plans are to move them to disused bowling greens so that they can be set up as allotments. Read more here.

LCCC June 2024 full agenda

Monday, 17 June 2024 at 7pm at Nelson Hall, McDonald Road Library

1 Welcome, introductions, attendance, apologies

1.a Present, apologies

1.b to note: declarations of interest in any items on the agenda

1.c to agree: order of business below

2 Approval of minutes of the LCCC ordinary meeting on 20 May 2024

2.a to note: draft minutes AGM 20 May 2024 for accuracy

3 Matters arising from previous minutes (and not included on agenda below)

4.aLCCC and othersReport incidents of pavement parking
4.aPC CrawfordLiaise with CEC about the CCTV camera that had been in Dalmeny St
5.cC EncombeTry to attend a CEC peer-review session about national planning framework 4 on 30 JuneItem 7
6.a.1Cllrs Caldwell and RaeKeep pushing for fixes to tram-route issues
6.bH Toberman, PForissierCheck whether Albert St bin-hub changes will be OKin progress
6.cCllr CaldwellSupply ‘local traffic improvement’ scheme assessment criteria.Item 7
6.cA DudleyInvite RNIB officer to LCCC’s June meeting
6.cLCCCDecide whether it supports any LTI scheme proposalsItem 7
6.dS KennedyReply to a resident about his/her concerns about Cambridge St and Pilrig St
6.dS Kennedywrite a proposal for action by CEC on traffic problems in Abbeyhill coloniespostponed
6.dH TobermannPut this proposal onto the next LCCC agenda
7.bH TobermannAttend reopening of Coalie Park (May 22, 1:30)Item 5
8.aS KennedyPoint 1: Investigate who might want such late-night catering.Point 2: seek more information about the street trader application
9.bH TobermannWrite to CEC governance, stating that LCCC is against the proposed changesItem 9
9.cC EncombeSort LCCC’s noticeboarddone
10.bB RyanShare any NTBCC materials on its opposition to Meadow to George St plans ne is allowed to
10.cCllrs Rae and CaldwellInvestigate progress of the Manderston St DPEA process

4 Policing matters

4.a to note: local (ward) Police Report May/June 2024

5 Parks and green spaces

5.a to note: Update on Powderhall Railway Path conversion to a Green Corridor

5.b to note: update from Friends of Pilrig Park

5.c to note: reopening of Coalie Park path following Phase 1 works (and upcoming Phase 2)

5.d to note: any other Parks & Green Spaces matters relevant to LCCC area

6 Planning

6.a to note: recent negotiations/correspondence between CEC Planning Department & agent regarding the application for purpose-built student accommodation @ 24 Manderston Street (24/01162/FUL)

6.b to note: DMSC ”heads up report 24/02024/PAN regarding purpose-built student accommodation @ 14 Ashley Place

6.c to note: application for purpose-built student accommodation @ Land 5 Metres South of 2 Murano Place (24/02424/FUL; deadline 28/6/24)

6.d to note: 24/02439/FUL application to extend purpose-built student accommodation @ 8 Middlefield EH7 4QW (previous, virtually identical application recorded under different address, 7 Shrub Place EH7 4PD 22/05368/FUL) (deadline 26/6/24)

6.e to note: report on LCCC participation at National Planning Improvement Framework – CEC Peer Review Workshop

6.f to note: status of current planning applications (June 2024)

6.g to note: any other Planning matters relevant to LCCC area

7 Transport and clean streets

7.a to note: Councillor Caldwell’s proposed schemes for the Local Traffic Improvement Programme

7.b to note: update on Tram Project post-construction actions and inactions:

7.b.i (re-) introduction of left hand turn from Leith Walk onto London Road (10 second phase; TEC vote 6 for, 5 against)

7.b.ii (re-) location of tree planters

7.b.iii no action on the many and increasingly embarrassing outstanding defects (e.g. broken pavers, deep potholes around utility covers) and design issues (eg extremely narrow pavements around certain bus stops; missing TROs; unresolved Brunswick St)

7.c to note: any other Transport and clean streets matters relevant to LCCC area

8 Licensing

8.a to note: any Licensing matters relevant to LCCC area

9 LCCC Governance

9.a to agree: counter-measures to deal with the reputational risks from fake subscribers

9.b to note: co-option proposals: Avril Ewing and Simon Preston

9.c to note: vacancy of Vice Chair to be filled (advice and support available)

9.d to note: any other LCCC governance issues

10 Open Forum (local residents)1

11 AOCB (LCCC members)2

12 Bulletin3

12.a a. Councils Scotland: Pothole and library closure warning as funding black hole rises to almost £600 million (Scotsman, 15-05-24)

13 Future meetings and planned meeting topics/presentations

2024: 19 August, 16 September, 21 October, 18 November

2025: 20 January, 17 February, 17 March, 21 April, 19 May (AGM), 16 June

© 2024 Martin McAdam