The participatory budgeting scheme in Leith is now underway.

There is a pot of money – £52,000 – made available from council coffers and the Tram to Newhaven project, and locals can vote for what it should be spent on. Any project may apply for a maximum of £5,000.

Voting details are here and is open to anyone who is older than eight-years-old and who lives, works, studies or volunteers in Leith. Voting ends on 5 February 2024.

And there will be a community voting day on Saturday 27th January 2024 (from 11am to 3pm), at the Leith Community Centre (12A Newkirkgate, Leith, EH6 6AD).

  • Voters may vote twice if they wish to: once in-person at the voting event and once online.
  • If voting twice, voters should tick the box on the online voting form, to state this.
  • If voting twice, voters can cast the same votes in-person as online, or choose different projects each time they vote.
  • All voters get 4 votes (or 2×4 votes for those choosing to vote twice).
  • 3 of the 4 votes will be cast for 3 different favourite projects – only one vote per project – out of the total number of project applications.
  • The 4th vote (which is optional) is known as the ‘Boost vote’. Having already cast their first three votes, all voters can choose to cast an extra vote to support a minority ethnic project. This can be a second vote for a project they’ve already voted for, or it can be a new, extra vote for a different project.

Find out more about each project below – in randomised order) and for all details click on the image below.

The Men of Leith Men’s Shed
The Junction
Citadel Youth Centre
SHE Scotland
Citadel Arts
Edinburgh Remakery
Leith Festival
Super Power Agency
Edinburgh Tool Library
Spit It Out
Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain
Hibernian Community Foundation
Dr Bells Family Centre
Leith Athletic
Leith Rugby
Hermitage Park School Association
People Know How
Dunedin Fencing Club
Think CircusLeith Police Box and Active Inquiry Theatre Company
Edinburgh Community Food
Himalayan Centre
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.