The next literary lunch will take place at The Royal Scots Club on 21 September and will feature Robin Sieger who is an acknowledged world-class authority on change, success as well as a record-setting golfer.

An acclaimed author and former producer for the BBC, Robin brings years of expertise to enabling the creation of successful cultures within organisations. 

He has played golf since he was four years of age and in the past three years became aware that throughout his golfing life, he had never really applied any real thought to the mental side of the game. When he did, his improvement was as dramatic as it was rapid. Robin’s extensive knowledge of golf history and the players who changed the game and set new records, as well as his work with major corporations, enables him to identify the keys to sustainable peak performance and success.

Tickets are available for £30 per person for members and £35 per person for non-members.

Bookable by emailing or via Eventbrite: