Care Home plans thrown out
A proposed care home in the Colinton Fairmilehead ward will not now go ahead after serious concerns were raised.
The Scottish Government upheld the council’s decision to refuse planning permission for the 62-bed home in Fairmilehead, ruling it would be damaging to the nearby conservation area.
Concerns were also raised that protected trees on the site may have been cut down without permission from the local authority.
James Tait Black Prizes awarded
The winners of the UK’s oldest book awards have just been announced and the authors are both American.
The books include a reimagining of Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield and a memoir about the New York literary scene in the 1970s and 1980s.
American writers Barbara Kingsolver and Darryl Pinckney join the glittering line-up of authors whose books have won the James Tait Black Prizes which are presented by the University of Edinburgh since 1919 – are the only major British book prizes judged by literature scholars and students.
Paolozzi to be replaced
The mural of Sir Eduardo Paolozzi on Henderson Street in Leith is to be replaced by a new work depicting him in his later years.
Otterly lovely
Six little Asian small clawed otter cubs have been born at Edinburgh Zoo. The pictures are so cute we have to share them once more.
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.