Stuart Reid first visited Edinburgh as a young art student participating in Edinburgh Arts ’73, invited by renowned artist, gallerist and impresario Richard Demarco.

Now he is celebrating the fifty years since then by opening his Edinburgh studio space for a public showing of his artwork, as an independent fringe event during the inaugural New Town Art Month and Dundas St Art Walk.

Included in the show are drawings created for his massive project ‘zones of immersion’ – a 150 metre long glass mural separating two underground platforms at Toronto’s Union Station (

More than 40 works will be on display, and Reid will be giving an artist’s talk on Saturday 10 June at 2 pm.

The opening night viewing is Wednesday June 7th,  6 – 8:30 pm.  From 8 – 11 June the hours open to the public are 1-5 pm. All are welcome.

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