Porty Pride is Back in 2023 on 8 and 9 July.

A spokesperson for Porty Pride said: “LGBTQ+ people enrich Portobello life, and we want to celebrate this within our communities. Our ethos is to provide a safe, celebratory, political and educational Pride weekend for the whole LGBTQ+ community and our allies. We aim to bring Porty together to mark Pride and support everyone in our community to be themselves.

“Building on last year’s success we have a bigger and more vibrant Porty Pride. We are proud to have following events in the diary… a Saturday Night Ball at the newly reopened Portobelllo Town Hall, the Porty Pride Dog Walk / March is back again, an LGBTQ film night and the Loud and Proud Choir will be performing amongst many other events.

“We are also so pleased that our friends at Velvet Easel, Tribe Porty, Portobello Tap, the Mouse Hole, Bross Bagels, Civerinos and Portobello Town Hall are on board this year as well as Soul Water Sauna.
“We are excited to have more volunteers this year which is fantastic given the programme of events.

“Go to our website www.portypride.com to get your tickets for as much as you can, as they are being snapped up.

“And lastly, Porty Pride is an entirely community-funded organisation and we are reliant on donations to help make our events schedule so varied – our fundraiser is at www.gofundme.com/f/porty-pride-2023

Contact portypride@protonmail.com