Palestine Action Scotland say they have shut down the Edinburgh factory of Leonardo UK at Crewe Toll, occupying the roof there.

The group claims that the site has been forced to close “halting production of Israeli F-35 combat aircraft laser targeting systems”.

At 5.00am four activists entered the site, despite the high security and double fence, and have begun “dismantling the site – taking apart electronic equipment, air conditioning systems, windows, while covering premises in trademark red paint, symbolising the blood spilt with Leonardo weapons”.

The activists advise that they intend to maintain the occupation for as long as possible at the factory of Leonardo UK, 2 Crewe Road North, Edinburgh EH5 2XS, to cause maximum disruption against the company which supplies a range of military equipment and targeting systems for Israel’s occupation forces. 

Leonardo, (formerly Ferranti some decades ago), says on its website that it “offers a wide range of defence and security solutions to governments, institutions, and citizens that includes every possible intervention scenario: aerial and terrestrial, naval and maritime, space and cyberspace. We work closely with local customers and partners to strengthen global security, provide essential physical protection and cybersecurity services for people, territories and infrastructure networks and support scientific and technological research”.

Police Scotland has a presence on site and has been asked for comment.

All photos courtesy of Martin Pope.

Palestine Activists take to the roof of arms company Leonardo in Edinburgh. They are protesting against providing arms for Israeli that are used on Palestinians On 19/01/2023
Palestine Activists take to the roof of arms company Leonardo in Edinburgh. They are protesting against providing arms for Israeli that are used on Palestinians On 19/01/2023
Palestine Activists take to the roof of arms company Leonardo in Edinburgh. They are protesting against providing arms for Israeli that are used on Palestinians On 19/01/2023
Palestine Activists take to the roof of arms company Leonardo in Edinburgh. They are protesting against providing arms for Israeli that are used on Palestinians On 19/01/2023