Scottish politicians are included on the list of people sanctioned by the Russian Government led by President Vladimir Putin which was published today.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated:

In connection with the continued application by the UK Government of the mechanism of sanctions restrictions against representatives of the socio-political circles of Russia, domestic economic operators and the media, it was decided to include in the Russian “stop list” a number of British politicians, businessmen and journalists who contribute to London’s hostile course aimed at the demonization of our country and its international isolation.

As has been noted more than once, the pernicious actions of the UK in planting Russophobia, spreading false information about our country and supporting the Kyiv neo-Nazi regime will receive an adequate and decisive response from the Russian side. The choice in favor of confrontation is a conscious decision of the British political establishment, which bears all responsibility for the consequences.

The following is a list of British subjects who are no longer allowed to enter the Russian Federation.

  1. David Cameron (David William Donald CAMERON), former British Prime Minister;
  2. George ROBERTSON (George Islay MacNeil ROBERTSON), member of the House of Lords of the Parliament of Great Britain;
  3. Angus Struan Carolus ROBERTSON, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, Europe and External Relations;
  4. Fiona Jane HYSLOP, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Economic, Labour and Cultural Affairs;
  5. Keir Rodney STARMER, member of the House of Commons of the British Parliament, leader of the Labour Party of Great Britain;
  6. David LAMMY (David Lindon LAMMY), Deputy of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Great Britain from the Labor Party, the “shadow” Minister for Foreign Affairs of Great Britain;
  7. Lisa Eva NANDY, Deputy of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Great Britain from the Labour Party, “shadow” Minister for Social and Economic Development of Regions and Housing;
  8. Wendy MORTON, Deputy Minister for Transport, UK;
  9. Ian BLACKFORD, member of the House of Commons of the British Parliament, leader of the Scottish National Party faction;
  10. Nick THOMAS-SYMONDS (Nick THOMAS-SYMONDS), Deputy of the House of Commons of the British Parliament from the Labor Party, “shadow” Minister for International Trade;
  11. Kate FORBES, Minister for Finance and Economics, Scottish Government;
  12. Lorna SLATER, Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Greens;
  13. Ross John GREER, Scottish MP for the Greens;
  14. Alexander COLE-HAMILTON (Alexander Geoffrey COLE-HAMILTON), Member of the Scottish Parliament, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats;
  15. Neil Charles GRAY, Minister for Europe and International Development for Scotland;
  16. Laurence LEE, Second Permanent Undersecretary of Defense of Great Britain;
  17. Bate TOMS, head of the British-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce;
  18. Donald WILSON, Edinburgh City Councilor;
  19. Peter RICKETTS, Member of the House of Lords of the UK Parliament;
  20. James Paul GRAY, Member of the House of Commons of the UK Parliament from the Conservative Party;
  21. Paul KAHN, partner at Renaissance Strategic Advisors;
  22. Clive ROADS, founder of Royal Consulting;
  23. Christopher SAMUEL, founder of Christopher Samuel Associates;
  24. Anthony WHELAN, Science Adviser, UK Department of Defense;
  25. Huw WALTERS, Head of Economic Security at the UK Department of Defense;
  26. Liam FOX, Member of the House of Commons of the UK Parliament from the Conservative Party;
  27. Helen BOWER-EASTON, Foreign Office Spokesperson;
  28. David AARONOVICH, columnist for The Times;
  29. Dan SABBAGH, War News Editor, The Guardian;
  30. James CRISP, European News Editor, Daily Telegraph;
  31. David ROSE, freelance journalist;
  32. Caroline WHEELER, Political Editor, The Sunday Times;
  33. John RILEY, head of Sky News;
  34. Jonathan Charles MUNRO, Head of BBC News;
  35. Edward William Robert CARR, associate editor of The Economist;
  36. Jerome Donald STARKEY, military columnist for The Sun;
  37. Robert PESTON (Robert James Kenneth PESTON), producer of corporations “IT-Vi” and “BBC”;
  38. Piers Stefan PUGHE-MORGAN, presenter of TV channel “IT-Vi”;
  39. Huw EDWARDS, BBC presenter.

Edinburgh Central MSP and Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Angus Robertson nis among those who have been banned from entering Russia with immediate effect. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was banned from Russia in April.

Angus Robertson said: “Russia doesn’t like criticism of its invasion of Ukraine and it doesn’t like freedom of speech either. I will continue to strongly support Ukraine, condemn Moscow’s aggression and its war crimes. Many on the latest Russian sanctions list are Scottish politicians and I am proud of the strong and unified opposition there is in Scotland to the Russian invasion and enduring support for Ukraine”.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: “One day, after Putin’s army has been defeated and his government swept away by the tides of history, I hope that I will have the chance to visit and meet with those who have bravely stood up against the Russian regime. Until that happens, I will wear this ban as a badge of honour.

“The UK must redouble its efforts to help Ukraine achieve victory on the battlefield, while here in Scotland, our government must get serious about patching the holes in the refugee scheme and helping those who have fled to our shores.”