The Scottish Football Association has issued the following guidance regarding the return of grassroots football.

On 16 March, Scottish Government released the ‘Timetable for Easing Coronavirus Restrictions’. Since then, we have been engaged with sportscotland and Scottish Government to develop a ‘Football Route Map’.

This route map, which will include key dates as outlined by government, will enable Affiliated National Associations, clubs and other stakeholders to plan and prepare for a safe ‘Return of Football’.   

There are a number of factors which must be taken into consideration as we start to plan with all relevant stakeholders.

In particular, we have sought further clarification in the following two areas:

A key area to enable clubs and leagues to plan will be travel guidance and, in particular, what will be permitted.

The size of the permitted groups able to gather for programmes (including holiday camps) and club activity.

The following indicative dates were announced by Scottish Government:

5 April  – 12-17 year olds outdoor contact sport can resume with a return to full contact training within a club setting permitted.

26 April – Potential return to match play activity for Under 12 and 12 – 17 year olds.

17 May – Outdoor adult contact sport can resume.

We fully understand the desire to see football back as soon as possible. We appreciate the patience shown by all stakeholders as we await confirmation of details from sportscotland and Scottish Government in order for relevant guidance to be published.

To enable us to all plan effectively, we will engage with key stakeholders via our regional and national networks in relation to facility providers – we appreciate the challenges in this regard and will investigate innovative ways to ensure facilities can be accessed to allow football to take place over the summer period.

All participants over the age of 13 along with all parents and carers of players of any age are advised to undertake a COVID-19 eLearning course prior to restarting any football activity. The Scottish FA course can be found here:

All stakeholders within football are reminded to continue to follow the current Scottish Government guidance.

 We will continue to update as soon as possible on these indicative dates noted above.​​

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John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.