Musselburgh Racecourse is an “excellent example” of how businesses have adapted to protect customers against Covid-19, claims MSP Colin Beattie.

Mr Beattie, who represents Midlothian and Musselburgh North in the Scottish Parliament, visited the East Lothian track and met with management to see the measures that were in place.

The racecourse continues to race behind-closed-doors but would be in a strong position to resume racing with a limited number of spectators should coronavirus restrictions be loosened.

Musselburgh Racecourse Operations Manager, Phil Duncan (left) and Colin Beattie, MSP. PHOTO: Grossick Racing Photography

Mr Beattie said: “The racecourse is a cornerstone in the constituency, which attracts visitors from far and wide through its strong reputation, and in my mind it is imperative that they are well supported at this time.

“Musselburgh Racecourse is yet another excellent example of how local businesses are adapting to the necessary changes to protect clients against Covid-19. I was delighted to see first-hand the measures they had put in place to keep those visiting the business safe, and to open up options for reopening to the public in the near future.

“Meeting with the management team has filled me with confidence that the racecourse has put in place enough safety measures to easily cope with spectators when this is deemed appropriate by the Scottish Government. I understand that, like with other sports, the industry is keen to have spectators once again and I hope that soon it will be safe to do this.”

Musselburgh Racecourse general manager, Bill Farnsworth, said: “It is important that politicians, policy makers and the wider public are aware of the steps we have taken at Musselburgh Racecourse, and across Scottish Racing, to make our racecourses safe.

“We will continue to work with the Scottish Government, local authorities and health agencies to ensure we are following the latest advice, so that when the time is deemed right, we are able to stage race meetings with spectators.”