Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said: “I’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas after a very tough year.

“Many of us are not with our loved ones this year. We’re separated for the sake of safety, embracing new technologies as a way to be together and celebrating in different ways to usual.

“For many it’s not the Christmas they had hoped for, but the end of this crisis is in sight and we must all do what we can to get us there safely.

“This year Scottish Liberal Democrats have stood up for communities across Scotland and presented the government with considered and constructive solutions as part of the coronavirus response.

“We fought for testing requirements for new entrants to care homes to protect residents, pushed for care home visitors to have access to PPE, and made the case for mass student testing to keep them safe. We helped secure more mental health support for frontline staff, more options for childcare and persuaded the government to change their position on exams so pupils have a fair shot at success.

“We voiced the worries of shielding teachers and pushed for fair funding schemes that would include the millions of people excluded from furlough and other initiatives.

“This crisis has necessitated that we pull together and that’s what Liberal Democrats have done, just as we saw in communities across the country who rallied round and looked out for each other.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank the key workers in our hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries, transport, schools and supermarkets, many of whom will be working today, as they have done all year, to keep this country going. We owe you a tremendous amount and we are extremely grateful.

“Merry Christmas!”

Always one for a captivating photo call Willie Rennie posed at the Fudge Kitchen on the Royal Mile during the election campaign in 2019 PHOTO The Edinburgh Reporter