The Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross says that the Prime Minister confirmed to him that furlough will be available to protect Scottish jobs in the event of a second lockdown.

Douglas Ross said this morning that a furlough extension if Scotland had to go into a second national lockdown in the event that the scientific evidence showed a need for it was “an absolute must.”

This afternoon at Westminster, Douglas Ross asked the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, about the support. Mr Johnson said: “If other parts of the United Kingdom decide to go into measures which require the furlough scheme, of course it is available to them…it applies not just now but in the future as well.”

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said he has accepted this as confirmation that the furlough scheme is not just available to Scotland during the month of November – when it is available to workers in England – but during any second Scottish lockdown, if one is necessary here.

Boris Johnson in the House of Commons on 2 November 2020 ©UK Parliament/Jessica Taylor

The Scottish Government position

The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, explained the possible effect of UK Government financial support on Scottish Government decisions at lunchtime today. Ms Sturgeon said: “When Covid cases started to surge again, we acted quickly – though we have been clear all along that our room for manoeuvre is limited by our lack of financial levers. Without borrowing powers of our own in the Scottish Government, we have to rely on the UK Government’s financial interventions. That is true of the other devolved administrations too.

“Notwithstanding that, in September we took the tough decision to restrict meetings in our own homes.

“And in early October, we put restrictions on hospitality.

“Now, we think we can see some encouraging signs that these restrictions are having an impact.”

The First Minister then took some time to explain how the available money for those who are forced to stay at home could have an influence. She said: “So the decision we have to weigh up in coming days is this one – Should we take opportunity of more generous financial support to step harder on the brakes now to try to drive infection rates down faster and more firmly?

“The potential benefit of that would be suppressing the virus further and faster at a time when financial support is available. And possibly, I don’t want to overstate this, possibly opening up a bit more breathing space over the Christmas period.

“Ideally, we would assess the impact of the current restrictions for a bit longer before making that decision – and at the very least wait until our next scheduled review point next which is due next Tuesday, a week tomorrow.

“But here is the dilemma we face, and it is important I am open with you about it.

“At this stage the indication is that the more generous furlough scheme is only going to be available for the next month, during the period of England’s lockdown.

“Now we continue to press the case that it should be available to devolved administrations whenever it is needed. And I think most reasonable people would think that is the fair position. I, with colleagues in the Welsh and Northern Irish governments have pressed that point very firmly at the COBR meeting which has just concluded.

“But we can’t put off vital decisions while we have a debate with the Treasury because the virus doesn’t stop spreading while we do that.”

Previously the UK Government has denied any furlough extension to Manchester, and has not responded to requests from the Scottish Finance Secretary but Douglas Ross welcomes the confirmation from the Prime Minister. He said: “This is a very welcome commitment from the Prime Minister that Scottish jobs will receive the same backing as jobs in England and across the UK.

“The Scottish Conservatives argued strongly that this cast-iron guarantee was an absolute must and it’s great news that it has been given.

“We now know that Scottish jobs will be protected by the UK Government furlough scheme, as they have throughout this pandemic, in the event of a second lockdown.

“The Prime Minister has made that clear guarantee and it’s very positive news for those Scottish jobs that might be under threat in the event of another lockdown.”

SNP ask for clarification

However the SNP leader in the House of Commons asked the Prime Minister the same question, and was unclear about the answer he received. It appeared to be a u-turn on the government’s previous stance, but Ian Blackford MP has written to the Prime Minister, seeking written confirmation of the commitment he made in the House of Commons this afternoon – that the Treasury will make full furlough payments, at 80 per cent, available to Scotland whenever it is requested by The Scottish Government in future.

In a direct question, the SNP Westminster Leader asked Boris Johnson if he would guarantee that the Treasury would make full 80% furlough payments available to Scottish workers and businesses, whenever it is requested by the Scottish Government, over the coming months – and not just in periods when England is in lockdown.

The Prime Minister responded: “The answer is Yes…”. However, Mr Johnson then gave some contradictory answers to MPs from other parties who sought a firm commitment of the change in policy.

Ian Blackford said:”The Prime Minister must give a cast-iron written confirmation of the commitment he made in the House of Commons today – that the Treasury will make full 80 per cent furlough payments available to Scotland, whenever it is requested by the Scottish Government, over the coming months – and not just in periods when England is in lockdown.

“Scottish workers and businesses deserve a concrete guarantee – not the appalling catalogue of vague, evasive and confusing answers we have seen from Boris Johnson today, which seemed to be a deliberate attempt to avoid the question. It’s not good enough for people whose jobs are under threat.

“Scotland has called for a full furlough extension for the past six months – but the Tory government has repeatedly refused. It is a democratic disgrace that they were only willing to act when England faced lockdown – and not when Scotland needed support.

“We now need absolute confirmation, in writing, that if the Scottish Government requests full 80 per cent furlough payments, at any future point, the Treasury will provide that. Otherwise it will prove, yet again, that you cannot trust a word that Boris Johnson says – and that Scotland will never be an equal partner in the UK.

“For many it is already too late. As a result of Tory cuts, thousands have already lost their jobs unnecessarily and many good businesses have gone under. By withholding financial support and blocking the devolution of powers, the Tory government has deliberately hindered Scotland’s ability to respond to this crisis and damaged our economy.

“The UK now face a Tory unemployment crisis – and the blame lies firmly with Boris Johnson. Whatever happens now, it is clearer than ever that the only way to properly protect Scotland’s interests is to become an independent country.”