‘Wondrous Woods’, Scotland’s newest creative lighting trail, opens to the public tonight (21st Oct) at Hopetoun House.

With 2km of winding mystical trails through the hidden gardens of Hopetoun, ‘Wondrous Woods’ is the first major lighting trail to go live this year, and is also a first to bring Hopetoun’s woodlands to life at night!

Starting and finishing at the House, the journey begins through the enchanting wrought iron gates to the north, leading to unique and unseen areas of the gardens of Hopetoun House, then meanders through ancient woodlands, clearings and past the old summerhouse.

The trail then returns back to the House via Lime Avenue, but not before seeing the magnificent Hopetoun House lit up in all its glory, fronted by a light show focussed on the fountain.

Full details of the trail, conditions of entry and ticketing are available from the Wondrous Woods website