Police are holding a number of awareness raising events during Hate Crime Awareness week which runs from Saturday 10th to Saturday 17th October.

Each day officers will focus on a different protected group and police continue to urge victims to report the matter.

Sergeant Grant Robertson from Police Scotland said: “I would like to talk to you about Hate Crime Awareness week which will run from Saturday 10th to Saturday 17th October.

“Police in Edinburgh will hold a number of awareness raising events during this week, and each day of the week we will focus on a different protected group. 

“These protected groups are, sexual orientation, transgender identity, disability, race and religion.  On Tuesday 13th October, we will be focusing on raising awareness of disability hate crime. 

“It is known that 1 in 5 people in Scotland are registered as having a disability, yet this category only accounts for four per cent of hate crimes reported to Police Scotland.  This suggests that this category is underreported and we would like to improve this.

“There are many reasons people should report a Hate Crime to the police and these include, so they get access to support, it ensures we are aware of problems within the local area and that appropriate action is taken against offenders. 

“If you are the victim of a hate crime, please report it to us. “
