Hibs’ Head Coach Neil Lennon was proud of his players for picking up a well-deserved point at Ibrox yesterday.

Hibs lost a first half goal following a defensive error from Darren McGregor but the popular defender made amends with a superb equaliser in the 86th minute.

Both teams had chances and a draw was probably a fair result on the day. After the game he said: “I thought we deserved it. We had a really strong performance in the second half.

“We showed a lot of belief and scored a great goal. We had good chances. I always felt we were in the game. I’m really proud of the players.

“They stood up to an immense challenge and came through it with flying colours.”

“We’re evolving as a team after losing a lot of good players in the summer. It takes a lot of time for them to gel but I’m looking forward to January because we need to get some bodies in as our injury list is horrendous.”

“We showed a lot of belief in the game and scored a great goal, with genuine quality on it as well.

“We had good chances from the likes of Boyle, Hyndman and Kamberi. I always felt at 1-0 we were in the game, even if we were a bit lightweight at times.

“Adam’s stops were all saveable, I don’t remember being under any concerted periods of pressure in the game and they were saves I would expect him to make.

“He made one great top from Middleton when he came out and closed the space quickly but the others were ones I would expect him to make.

“It’s not as if we were even cut open for the Rangers goal. It was a defensive error from our point of view and we were comfortable in the game.

“At half-time I said we needed our midfield to play with more purpose and penetration and they gave us that.

“Our substitutions made a great contribution too and I’m so pleased to have David Gray back especially, it’s a real bonus.”

Lennon was also delighted with the attitude and performance of Florian Kamberi whom he criticised following last weekend’s draw against Livingston.

He continued: “I had a long chat with him. I’ve got a lot of faith in him but he’s not been producing that sort of performance recently.

“There was a different body language and a different physicality about him and his touch was better today. His hold-up play was better. We need him to do that week in, week out.

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.