Local charity LifeCare has spent 76 years making a difference to the lives of Edinburgh’s older people and those living with dementia.

Each year they collect hundreds of donations from across the city to create personalised hampers for every one of the vulnerable adults under their care – including toiletries, books and treats. These hampers brighten Christmas day for many who will be spending it alone.

The LifeCare Christmas team were dismayed when early on Friday morning a member of staff had their car broken into, with the thieves making off with over 20 gifts hidden inside which were chosen especially for vulnerable older people, many of whom have dementia.

These gifts had been kindly donated and wrapped by the staff of Tesco Bank who have chosen LifeCare as their Charity of the Year for 2018-2020.

“It was such a shock and disappointment to us. Our teams go above and beyond at Christmas to make sure that no-one feels alone, and to have these gifts stolen was heartbreaking.” Naomi Potts, Help at Home

LifeCare has now paid to replace the gifts, to ensure no one goes without this Christmas. However, each month LifeCare needs to raise over £28,000 to provide services for over 800 people across Edinburgh.

Vicki Bradley, Fundraising Manager said : “We have to deliver our Christmas parcels this week to ensure that they reach every person in time for Christmas. It is such a shame to have to divert our limited funds to replacing stolen gifts, but we can’t bear a single person to go without and it’s too late to request, pack up and deliver new gift donations now. We hope that those who have tirelessly fundraised to support our community services will understand.”

LifeCare makes a difference to the lives of Edinburgh’s older people at their community centre in North West Edinburgh as well as through Outreach and Help at Home services across the city.
This includes people such as Jim. Jim has dementia and was knocking on doors in his sheltered housing hungry and searching for food. Social Work were contacted by the Sheltered Housing Manager who then asked LifeCare to step in to support him. LifeCare’s Help at Home and Outreach teams put a plan in place and now Jim gets company at home and has a fully stocked fridge at all times.

If you would like to support LifeCare, our Christmas campaign and help us give extra years of fun, friendship and fulfilment to people like Jim, please donate here