Monty Roy who owns the Leith Walk Police Box invited us along to see the art outside the box. You can see it anytime that you walk past but do stop and have a look.

There is a changing gallery here featuring work by local artists.

A detail from one of the artworks on the Leith Walk Police Box
Detail from Urban Constellation by Vivienne Kelly

On one side there is the Urban Constellation by Vivienne Kelly who is the young artist in residence at Edinburgh Tool Library (ETL). ETL are one of the supporters of the project along with Firstport, Leith Chooses 2018, Printsponge and Thornbridge Timber.

In 2019 groups from Leith Academy Art Department and the art group from the Stafford Centre on Broughton Street will create the next art works.  There will be an open competition in 2019 for people to submit artworks for possible inclusion in the Art outside the box project.

Anyone can enter – you do not have to be an artist –  and they would especially like to invite individuals who are encountering homelessness to take part in the competition. For more details contact

David Polfreman a volunteer from the Edinburgh Tool Library, Monty Roy owner of the police box and artist Vivienne Kelly pose by Policebox No, 1 by Page Hardie



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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.