Public Services Union, UNISON is to use a new face-to-face advice service from today for employees working in care homes, GP practices or out in the community.

The mobile advice unit – a custom-made vehicle with an office and internet access – will cover workplaces in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The mobile unit is expected to help thousands of workers who don’t have a physical union presence at work.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis will launch the initiative, the first of its kind in the UK, this afternoon.

Dave Prentis said: “This mobile advice unit is good news for workers, whether they’re in a union or thinking of joining one. It means someone will be available to advise them whenever they need it.

“Workers in the community can often feel left out and isolated so we’re hoping to reconnect with them and ensure they receive the help they need in these challenging times.”

Chair of UNISON Scotland’s health committee Thomas Waterson said: “Too many workers in the community are currently missing out on union advice, partly because of the hours they work and the nature of their jobs. We’re addressing this issue by bringing advice straight to them.

“Having a visible presence means workers will feel supported and reassured that their best interests are being looked after by their union.”