The eighth Pedal on Parliament takes place on 28 April 2018 and as before the protest group will congregate at the Meadows to cycle down to Holyrood. POP want safer cycle routes and more funding to create them.

The Scottish Government has released more funding for safer cycling and active travel but the group is still adamant that more needs to be done.

Sally Hinchcliffe of POP said : “People are still dying on Scotland’s roads including two in January alone this year.

“While we welcome the funding announced by the First Minister last year, it’s not enough to counteract the years of underinvestment in making cycling something everyone can do with confidence.

“Cycling should be a means of transport, not an extreme sport. We need to build cycle tracks that families, children, older people and those with disabilities can use. That’s the only way the government will reach its own target of 10% of journeys by bike by 2020 – which isn’t very far away.”

Edinburgh organiser Alice Lyall said :  “Plans for a massive gyratory in the heart of a vibrant, human-scaled city like Edinburgh – and the fact that the city is continuing to build cycle lanes that are just used as car parking spots – show that we still haven’t rebalanced our roads to serve everyone’s needs.

“The huge variety of people who come out in support of Pedal on Parliament shows that there’s widespread support for cycle-friendly conditions. We see children of all ages riding independently on the closed roads down to the Parliament. The time has come for those kids to have the freedom to ride like that for the other 364 days of the year.”

There will also be other demonstrations across Scotland in other cities.

More information here.

Join the Pedal on Parliament Facebook group or follow them on Twitter @POPScotland