Go and see Jess Robinson. You will get much more than you bargained for .

Having seen Jess at Brewhemia and then at the Underbelly preview show I wondered what else she had. Turns out it was a great deal.
Her Judy Garland and Barbra (As she says : “Look we have the same nose…”) are impeccable.
Her Amy Winehouse was very good, particularly in duet mode.
The rap was less distinguishable, but entertaining nonetheless, and this is a girl who will go far. After all “The hills are alive with the Sound of Music….”
She adorns her singing with some fast humour and comedy, involving members of the audience in doing things that they probably did not sign up for when they bought the tickets. If you’re shy don’t sit in the front row!
Her band made up of ‘her boys’ were all great. They are more than a backing band and take part in the act, whether as singers, instrumentalists or as stage hands moving her clam into position. (You will see what I mean when you go to the show!)

She has won many awards with her spot-on celebrity impressions, musical comedy and stunning vocal gymnastics.

“Like a wonderfully malfunctioning jukebox, Jess and her incredible live band take you on a dizzying journey through hilarious improvised musical mash-ups, serving up a feast of styles and genres from Billie Holiday and Liza Minnelli to Iggy Azalea, Beyoncé and Kate Bush.”