Over £41,000 of Class A drugs and around £2,300 in cash were discovered yesterday as part of Operation Eagle conducted by Edinburgh Police.

A man was searched in the Hill Place area following information from the public and around £1,100 in cash and a small amount of herbal cannabis were recovered.

In another location in Hyvot Bank Avenue police then executed a search warrant where they were backed up by specialist resources.

Local officers found and seized crack cocaine and cocaine with a combined street value of over £35,500.

Over £6300 worth of heroin, £1150 in cash and around £220 worth of herbal cannabis were also recovered.


Three men, aged 40, 33 and 25, have now been charged in connection with the supply and possession of controlled drugs.


They were due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today.


Inspector David Robertson from the West End Police Station said: “Our communities have told us that tackling the supply and use of drugs is a priority to them, and therefore it remains a priority to us.

“Dedicated officers continue to work daily to disrupt the drugs trade and address any related criminality, such as anti-social behaviour, which can have a huge impact on local residents and businesses.


“Since last summer, in the city centre alone, we’ve searched over 30 properties, recovered over £130,000 worth of drugs and seized almost £30,000 in cash.

“Support from our communities continues to be vital to the success of Operation Eagle and I want to reassure the public that we will continue to act on all the information we receive.”


If you have concerns about drug crime in your community, information can be provided to Police Scotland via 101 or reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.