David Tomlins

At the City Art Centre there will be a major exhibition of photographs this summer following the recent Capture Edinburgh photography competition. From a field of almost 400 entries six have been chosen but the work of 12 runners up will also be on display alongside some favourite photos from the gallery’s own collection.

If you would like to see all 372 entries then click on the City Art Centre Facebook page.

Paul Henni


Councillor Richard Lewis, Culture Convener, said: “With hundreds of fantastic entries, the judging panel found it incredibly difficult to narrow the winners down. Edinburgh must be one of the most photogenic and photographed cities in the world – yet these images manage to capture the feel of the Capital in new and unique ways.

“The top six photographs will be enlarged and displayed alongside some of the masters of Scottish art. The resulting display will span Edinburgh’s historic museum and art collections and celebrate some of the contemporary work taking place in the city today. A huge thank you to everybody who entered and the judging panel and finally well done to the winners.”

Fiona Johnson


The chosen winners by category are:


Winner – ‘View Down Princes Street at Night’ by David Tomlins
Runners up – ‘Forth Road Bridge’ by Neil McDade and ‘Escaping’ by Colin Lindsay


Winner – ‘Canal Dreams’ by Sue Williamson
Runners up – ‘Old Meets New in Portobello’ by Drummond Fyall and ‘Wavy Blue’ by Adam Robertson


Winner – ‘Vaseline Hair Tonic’ by Paul Henni
Runners up – ‘A quiet Chat’ by Scott Liddell and ‘Art and Religion’ by Areesha Khan


Winner – ‘Hogmanay’ by Mengqi Du
Runners up – ‘Festival Nights’ by Callum Ollason and ‘Surprise’ by Ken Steven


Winner – ‘Snow on the Way’ by Fiona Johnson
Runners up – ‘Engulfed by Fog’ by Edinburgh Spotlight and ‘Man in Black’ by Mike Avern


Winner – ‘New Wave Coffee Shop to a Tea’ by MJose Fernandez
Runners up – ‘Deep Euphoria on Princes Street’ by Stephen Bridger Photography and ‘Flying Clothes’ by Jonathan Cruickshank

Sue Williamson

The Capture Edinburgh judging panel consisted of Edinburgh Museum and Gallery officers, Ben Harman, Director of the Stills Centre for Photography and Kayt Turner, Picture Editor of the Scotsman.

Details of the City Art Centre’s summer exhibition, Edinburgh Alphabet: An A-Z of the City’s Collections, will be revealed later this month.

Mengqi Du