Section 25 of Easter Road’s Famous Five Upper Stand will be a designated singing section for the 2017-18 season.

The Club have been working with fan group Since 1875 on plans to build on the impressive atmosphere enjoyed at Easter Road this season, and this move will hopefully contribute this in the coming season.

In a letter to supporters, which season ticket holders will receive later this week by post or e-mail. Chief Executive Leeann Dempster outlined the plans.

She said: “One of my important aims for next season is to improve match-day atmosphere. It is important for supporters, but it is equally important for the players and the management team.  You may have heard Neil speak about this before – both he and the players tell us that when Easter Road is noisy, when the fans are singing and supporting the team that it help push them on and lifts them.

“We have undertaken some smaller projects to achieve this, but we want to make a bigger impact now. We have been in discussions with the fan group ‘Since 1875’ – they have been active in Section 43 of the East Stand since the redevelopment of the stadium and have been behind some of the prominent fan displays like the inspired ‘Time for Heroes’ banner at Hampden.

“One thing that we have spoken to them about is to identify an area in the stadium that can be dedicated to a traditional ‘singing section’.  Other clubs have taken this route both at home here in Scotland and abroad and it is recognised to have improved atmosphere, so we have decided that it is project that we want to deliver for the long-term benefit of the club, the team and the supporters at Easter Road.

“This will mean that some supporters currently in the East will move across to Section 25 of the Famous Five Upper and start to build a new ‘singing section’ where supporters who are interested in being involved can participate.”

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.