TER Corstorphine area 57 20mph

Edinburgh is the first city in Scotland implementing a citywide 20mph network. The new limit aims to reduce the risk and severity of road collisions, encourage travel on foot and by bike and help make the city’s streets more people friendly.

Further information regarding 20mph is available on the Council’s website at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/20mph. The phased rollout of the 20mph network is planned over 18 months between June 2016 and February 2018.

The new speed limit for the city centre and rural west becomes effective on 31 July 2016. For further information email 20mph@edinburgh.gov.uk

A range of projects have been awarded Commonwealth Games Legacy funding to encourage Scots to stay active.
The 2016-17 funding, worth £748,000, has been awarded to five Active Legacy partners to deliver a wide range of benefits across Scotland. These are:
Street Soccer Scotland

Young Scot

Clyde Gateway

Spirit of 2012

Creative Scotland

The money will be used to build on Legacy programmes and help deliver a programme of activity which will continue to remove barriers and encourage Scots to become more physically active.
Minister for Public Health and Sport Aileen Campbell announced the 2016-17 awards during a visit to Ettrick Forest Archers in Selkirk, which has also benefited from Legacy funding ‎through the Legacy Active Places Fund. She said:
“I’m delighted to be here on the second anniversary of the best ever Commonwealth Games to announce the latest round of Legacy funding.
“We know how important an active lifestyle is for both our physical and mental health, so it’s fantastic to see communities right across Scotland embrace the Games legacy and come together to deliver projects that are helping people become more active.
“This latest round of funding provides the opportunity to continue to build on the great work the Active Legacy Partners have already done and keep delivering a wide range of benefits across Scotland.”

The Scottish Parliament is in recess until 4 September 2016 (inclusive), however the European and External Relations Committee is meeting tomorrow Thursday 28 July.

The Committee will take evidence on the EU referendum and its implications for Scotland. The agenda and papers are available on the Committee’s webpage.

One for your diary – The Ocean Film Festival will take place a the Festival Theatre on Wednesday 14 September 2016 at 7.30pm

The Ocean Film Festival will showcase the world’s most amazing ocean films filmed above and below the water’s surface!

Call for tickets on 0131 529 6000 or visit edtheatres.com

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.