HolyRood 31

The Scottish Government has announced an additional £75,000 grant to support the British Red Cross medical response in Lesbos.

The contribution builds on the previous donation of £140,000 made available to the charity by the Scottish Government to provide humanitarian aid.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said:

“Here in Scotland, it can be easy to take our health service for granted – medical help is readily available any time we need it. But for people arriving in Lesbos, at the end of a long and treacherous journey, first aid supplies and assistance may be scarce.

“Scotland has a long and proud history of reaching out a hand to those less fortunate than ourselves and it is absolutely right that we support the Red Cross operation in Greece in any way we can. This additional £75,000 will help to provide vital tools to assist them in truly lifesaving work.

“The start of a new year is the right time to reaffirm our solidarity with the volunteers, staff and Greek authorities and all those involved in responding daily, on the frontline, to this humanitarian crisis.”

Minister for Europe and International Development Humza Yousaf said:

“When I travelled to Lesbos last year I saw first-hand the scale of the need and I know these supplies will make an enormous difference. Volunteers and staff of international aid organisations like the Red Cross are working day in day out to provide humanitarian assistance to those arriving in Europe, having made the perilous journey across the sea.

“We are absolutely committed to helping the most vulnerable people in their hour of need. We know that we must do more to help those men, women and children coming to Europe seeking protection and refuge. Today’s announcement of a further £75,000 will go some way towards that.”

Interim UK Director for the British Red Cross David Miller said:

“People are arriving in Europe with very little – some with only a family photo and the clothes they left in. Millions of people are being forced to risk their lives in a desperate search for safety as conflicts rage around the world.

“Red Cross teams have been working around the clock to provide urgently needed supplies such as food, water, nappies and hygiene kits as well as emergency medical treatment.

“We are very grateful for the grant from the Scottish Government which will make a real difference to the refugees and communities affected in Greece and in neighbouring countries.”


  1. Why do the Scottish government have to spend even more tax payers money when the populus in general gives generously and we have .07% of the UK national budget of tax payers money also being distributed. they then bleat about food banks.

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