spreading-christmasWhile we always consider the cost of Christmas in bare financial terms, and as an overall figure, its impact reaches far beyond the bottom line.

This has been explored in detail recently by a fascinating Xmas unwrapped feature on the bingosites.net website, which has delved beyond festive household spending figures to count the true cost of Christmas. The results of this insight are fascinating and also informative and consumers look to reduce the burdens associated with Christmas.

The True Cost of Christmas in the UK

With this in mind, (and without being too bah humbug!) here is a brief insight into the true cost of Christmas and the immense challenges facing citizens during the hectic festive period: –

The cost of Preparing for Christmas in Advance

In fundamental terms, the average British household spends £868 during the festive period. In addition to this, over 59% of people make significant financial adjustments in order to comfortably afford Christmas, with men in particular likely to reduce outgoings and make sacrifices in order to create the necessary disposable income. This trend is apparently more prominent in regions such as Belfast and Birmingham in the UK, while it can create a more significant financial burden heading into the New Year.

This type of sacrifice is a serious consideration for households, especially when it impacts on the payment of bills and debts.

The Loss of Sleep

In addition to this, a further 45% of citizens also reported to losing sleep in the build-up to Christmas. Interestingly, individuals aged between 18 and 24 cited a lack of sleep as the most common symptom of the busy Christmas period, as they suffer with anxiety and the challenges posed by funding the necessary festivities. 30% of older consumers also confirmed that the spectre of Christmas and its unique challenges made them feel physically sick with worry.

The Development of Stress and Anxiety

There is a fine line between stress and positive energy, and while the unique nature of the festive period excites the majority of consumers it also creates huge stress for others. Worryingly, 20% of consumers claimed that the expectations and pressures associated with the three-day Christmas holiday generated huge levels of stress, primarily as they looked to source suitable gifts within a given budget and time frame.

At this point, it is important to remember the core values of the season and attempt to relax wherever possible prior to Christmas.

Happy Christmas to you all!