A man who killed his landlord and concealed his body has been sentenced to life in prison at Edinburgh High Court today.
James Smith was found guilty of murder last month following the death of Alex Cameron at a rural property in Kirknewton earlier this year.
Smith (58) attacked 67-year-old Cameron at the address in West Cairns Farm on 19th January before burying his body on the grounds.
Officers had been conducting a missing person investigation after Alex Cameron failed to show up to a family funeral and inquiries led to the Kirknewton property.
During the police investigation on the site, Smith subsequently confessed to the murder and provided detailed information, which resulted in the recovery of Mr Cameron’s body.
Detective Inspector Stuart Wilson from the Major Investigation Team said: “Alex Cameron was subjected to a violent assault on West Cairns Farm and sustained a number of serious injuries, which ultimately resulted in his death.
“James Smith then went to extraordinary lengths to conceal his victim’s body before eventually confessing to his crime.
“As a result of today’s sentencing, Smith will now spend a significant period of time in prison and I hope that the family of Alex Cameron can put their ordeal behind them.”
John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.