The Edinburgh Reporter met Kate George this morning the artist who is painting the hitherto unsightly passage between South Clerk Street and Buccleuch Street.

She was being helped by some hand-picked volunteers and was being served cups of tea from the lovely neighbours at Marmaris Restaurant next door, when local MP Tommy Sheppard turned up with a welcome pack of chocolate biscuits!

Kate George with Tommy Sheppard MP

The project is being funded by Sustrans and The City of Edinburgh Council as part of the upgrading of the cycle path between the Innocent Railway path and The Meadows.

Sadly although it should be finished today work may have to continue till tomorrow given the inclement weather at the beginning of the week.


Kate designed the mural based on what she could see around her in the neighbouring streets. She very much hopes that people will like walking through the street more now that the bins have been moved along the street and people can enjoy her artwork in passing.

The Edinburgh Reporter NEWS from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

The Edinburgh Reporter met Kate George this morning the artist who is painting the hitherto unsightly passage between South Clerk Street and Buccleuch Street.

She was being helped by some hand-picked volunteers and was being served cups of tea from the lovely neighbours at Marmaris Restaurant next door, when local MP Tommy Sheppard turned up with a welcome pack of chocolate biscuits!

The project is being funded by Sustrans and The City of Edinburgh Council as part of the upgrading of the cycle path between the Innocent Railway path and The Meadows.

Sadly although it should be finished today work may have to continue till tomorrow given the inclement weather at the beginning of the week.

Kate designed the mural based on what she could see around her in the neighbouring streets. She very much hopes that people will like walking through the street more now that the bins have been moved along the street and people can enjoy her artwork in passing.

There is a new pedestrian crossing being commissioned today which should allow cyclists and pedestrians to continue along the route safely.

This is what the mural should look like when it is finished!

