Greens in Edinburgh have announced their candidate for the Leith Walk council by-election in September with a promise that they will continue the work of Green Councillor Maggie Chapman, who is stepping down after moving to Dundee.

The by-election has been called following the resignation of Cllr Deidre Brock, and Cllr Chapman’s standing down means two councillors are to be elected at the same time.

Greens are confident that the transferrable vote system means that they have a really strong chance of securing one of the two seats, and maintaining their six-strong presence on the council.

The Green candidate for Leith Walk is Susan Rae, a Leith Walk resident with a background in local government. She has campaigned on issues including poverty and the impact of debt on those affected by austerity.

Susan Rae said: “I’m delighted to have been selected by members to be the Green candidate in Leith Walk. And I’m committed to working as part of our dynamic team to make sure that the ward retains a Green councillor after the poll date in September.

“With the Lib Dems and Tories out of the race and the SNP already counting on a straight replacement for Deidre Brock, the only real contest is for the second vacancy between the Greens and Labour. If Labour were to take that spot it would give them 3 out of the 4 councillors in Leith Walk, way overstating their support. So I’m confident local voters will see the strong case for keeping a Green councillor as their voice of principled opposition and for investment in decent public services.”

Outgoing Councillor, Maggie Chapman, said: “Leith Walk was one of the first wards in Edinburgh to elect a Green councillor. Green priorities, of affordable housing and rights for tenants, of giving local people a say in how public money is spent in the area and of defending public assets are priorities which many local residents share.

“With not one, but two seats on the council being contested in this by-election, I’m confident that voters in Leith Walk will again choose a Green Councillor, and Susan Rae has my backing as a candidate with the know-how and commitment to make that choice a compelling one.”