2015_04_19 EDI City Views-27

On the campaign trail

Cuckoo’s Bakery has a new nest

Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre looking for volunteers

Wester Hailes Community Open Space Event

Founder of Street Soccer to speak in Edinburgh

Yesterday morning we were out on the campaign trail in Portobello with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon who was being lauded from all sides by her supporters, with even passing motorists tooting their support.

SONY DSCThe main General Election campaign message yesterday was that the SNP want the other parties to match the SNP proposal to give even more money to the NHS across the UK.

The Edinburgh Reporter asked the First Minister if there really was no alternative to simply spending more money, and whether now was the time for a radical reform of how the organisation operates.

Nicola Sturgeon said: “The NHS is close to all of our hearts. That’s why SNP MPs will vote to meet the NHS funding challenge laid down by the NHS Chief Executive in England and vote for an increase in NHS spending across the UK of £24 billion by 2020-21 – a £2 billion boost to the NHS budget in Scotland.

“We’ve already increased total health spending in Scotland to a record high of £12 billion – and in NHS Lothian this investment means more nurses and more consultants compared to when the SNP came to office.

“And the SNP will never stop doing our best to make Scotland’s NHS healthier still. We are investing additional money this year to deliver the integration of health and social care; in mental health services and to tackle delayed discharges.”

The effect of one party after this election is over might very well be in question, but the effect of one person, Nicola Sturgeon, could clearly be seen in the way she was greeted by her supporters at the seaside.

The Edinburgh Reporter NEWS from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.


You can watch all the interviews we have conducted so far with the candidates in Edinburgh East here.



We were invited to the press night at a cake shop last night and so we really had to go……. Here is our report!




Saturday 25th April, 10:00 – 16:00, at 75a Harvesters Way (now the Open Heavens Church/ formerly the old ‘Greenway’).

The event is being organised by local community organisations who are inviting all Wester Hailes residents to answer the question “What future do you want for Wester Hailes, and how can you make it happen?”.

The Open Space event is a great chance for anyone who lives, works, or has an interest in Wester Hailes to share what is important to them about the area, to agree actions, and a way forward.

Free food, childcare, language support and assisted transport are available.

You can register online by clicking on this link or by searching for Wester Hailes Community Open Space on www.eventbrite.co.uk ​


Award winning social entrepreneur and founder of social enterprise Street Soccer Scotland, David Duke, will share advice and provide practical business support to the next generation of Scottish social innovators this weekend in Edinburgh.

David, who launched Street Soccer Scotland in 2009, will speak to 150 first round winners of the Young Innovators Challenge at the John McIntyre Conference Centre on Saturday.

His address is part of the competition’s ‘Residential Innovation Weekend’, a two day event aimed at providing future entrepreneurs with the practical support and advice necessary to develop their social innovations into business plans.

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