EDI_December14 32

First World War exhibition

Energy Minister calls for return of coal levies

Edinburgh Ceilidhs to end the year

Carol Singing

Sangstream at the Scottish Storytelling Centre

A project that seeks to reveal and record Scottish people’s experiences during the First World War has received a major funding award.

The Scotland’s War initiative has been awarded £75,000 by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to help develop the project across the country

The fund will allow Scotland’s War to paint a fuller picture of Scotland’s contribution to the conflict. It will also support the creation of a national digital archive, which will be accessible to the public.

The initiative, organised by the University of Edinburgh, began in 2008.  Its initial focus was on Edinburgh’s involvement in the war. Now, with more than 20 Council partners throughout Scotland on board – as well as the National Library of Scotland and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission – the project will run events throughout the country to highlight the major role Scotland played in The Great War.  

The project team and partners will research records and speak to members of the public who had relations in the war in a bid to uncover previously unknown, or overlooked, aspects of Scotland’s wartime experience.

Project Director Yvonne McEwen, of the University of Edinburgh’s School of History, Classics and Archaeology, said: “We are delighted to receive this support from the Heritage Lottery Fund.  The award will help us to reveal the stories hidden across Scotland, which will enable us to preserve and share a richer heritage of Scotland’s War.

“This year’s centenary offers an appropriate time to bring together stories and personal documents before they are lost. We look forward to discovering more remarkable tales which serve to remind us of the incredible contributions our relations made to the war effort.”

The HLF-funded project will focus on exploring Scotland’s War on the Home and Fighting Fronts.

Colin McLean, Head of HLF Scotland, said “The First World War changed the face of modern history touching the lives of everyone in this country and beyond which is why HLF is committed to helping people explore the continuing legacy of this conflict. Scotland’s War will investigate the impact the conflict had on the country though personal histories and connections. It will safeguard this precious heritage for future generations while helping people broaden their understanding of how the First World War shaped the modern world.”


Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has accused the UK Government of showing ‘disrespect’ to coal communities across Scotland, as they fail to answer calls for £15m coal levies to be returned to Scotland – over a year after the issue was first raised.

Read more here


On Tuesday we have the ceilidh club @ Summerhall where we have Heeliegoleerie providing the music. Tickets are £6 on the door or in advance from www.edinburghceilidhclub.com/tickets opening with everything kicking off at 8p

Then on Friday 19th Dec we have Ceilidh club @ The Assembly Roxy with Teannaich on Friday 18th Jan. Doors opening just before 7:30pm with dancing kicking off shortly after that. You can get your tickets online from www.edinburghceilidhs.com or in person from the box office at Summerhall (don’t be confused by the Summerhall online box office system, this ceilidh does take place in The Assembly Roxy).

We are back in 2015 with lots more great ceilidhs, with our Tuesday night ceilidhs at Summerhall starting up on the 13th Jan and our next Friday ceilidh on the 16th Jan.

13th Jan – Summerhall 8pm – Pentlands ceilidh band

16th Jan – Assembly Roxy 7:30pm – Teannaich

20th Jan – Summerhall 8pm – The Big Shoogle


Pupils from Lorne Primary perform at Newkirkgate Shopping  CentreOver 100 pupils from the Lorne Primary School were singing carols yesterday to entertain shoppers at Newkirkgate in Leith. More carol concerts are planned this week.

Read more here


Singing is uplifting and good for the soul – so on Friday or Saturday you could go to the Scottish Storytelling Centre and at least listen (if not surreptitiously join in with) the choir called Sangstream who will be singing seasonal songs.

Booking details here

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.