2014_04_24 Castle



Leith Late 2014 continues today.  Art, music, film and more in various Leith venues 12-5pm – see website for details.

Gayfield Creative Spaces: Natasha Russell, Kalopsia and Broughton Designs – part of Leith Late 2014. 12-5pm, 11 Gayfield Square

16mm Sound Workshop with Luigi Allemano: an opportunity to engage with a unique and idiosyncratic method of making sound through pictures on film, a technique made most famous by acclaimed animator Norman McLaren.  Suitable for ages 16+.  Free but booking essential via eventbrite.  2-5pm, Stills Gallery, 23 Cockburn Street.

Scotland’s GardensMerchiston Cottage, 16 Colinton Road EH10 5EL (near Holy Corner) is open today. Small, walled, organic, wildlife-friendly, beekeeper’s garden.  2-5pm.  Homemade cakes and teas, plant stall, disabled access.  £4 (all proceeds to charities.)


WHALE Arts Market Fair: an afternoon of stalls, crafts, afternoon teas and fun!  Free entry.  If you are local and want to book a stall (£10) to sell your own items, call 0131 458 3267.  1.30-4.30pm, WHALE Arts Centre, 30 Westburn Grove.

Polish-Scottish Heritage Festival: a range of events over the weekend, some drop-in and some ticketed.  Drop-ins include arts & crafts fair, pop-up library, Polish-Scottish heritage exhibition,  a talk about the Scots in Poland, a folk music concert and music and crafts workshops. Summerhall, 1 Summerhall.  For times and further details of all events see website.

Polish-Scottish Art Connectionsfree art-based workshops with art historian Ola Wojtkiekywicz for children aged 7+ .  Learn some exciting facts about Polish-Scottish History and make your own masterpiece to take home. 3-4pm, Summerhall, 1 Summerhall.  Free tickets can be booked via eventbrite.

Meet the Ancestors – Macastory do the Commonwealth Games – celebrate Scotland’s great year of sport with Macastory.  Hear all about Donald Dinnie, one of Scotland’s greatest champions and keep fit with sporting challenges, singing, dancing and more!   For ages 7+.  2pm and 3pm (45 minute sessions), National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street.  Free and unticketed. Supported by the Friends of the National Galleries.

Love in a Gallery: a pop-up opera in association with Edinburgh International Festival, featuring beautiful art songs and Leider by Wagner, Schubert, Gerswhin, Schumann and Quilter celebrating the beauty of courage and love.  2.30pm, Scottish National Gallery, The Mound. Free, no booking required.

Giving Nature a Home: a range of family-focused weekend wildlife activities with RSPB Scotland staff.  11am-4pm Royal Botanic Garden (check at reception for meeting place.)  All ages, free, no booking required.

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