edin guarantee

An Edinburgh organisation is backing an online service aimed at helping the area’s employers find the right people to build their business.

Inspiring Scotland was given support when it was looking to expand and is calling on businesses to visit Our Skillsforce to find out how their workforce could develop.

Our Skillsforce, led by Skills Development Scotland, provides a wide variety of clear information specifically tailored towards the local business community.

This includes information about the Edinburgh Guarantee, which is the city’s vision that all sectors will work together to ensure every school leaver in Edinburgh has the opportunity of a job, training or further education.

The Edinburgh Guarantee helped Inspiring Scotland, an organisation inexperienced in recruiting staff straight from school; make sure the job opportunity was available to a young person.

A spokesperson for the venture philanthropy organisation said: “The Edinburgh Guarantee were fantastic from the very outset; understanding our business, helping to make the job spec more young person friendly, advertising the position, application sifting prior to interviews and helping to provide feedback to all candidates.”

Our Skillsforce also offers information about a wide range of national funding support including Modern Apprenticeships and Flexible Training Opportunities.

For more information on the Edinburgh Guarantee and other local and national initiatives visit the Our Skillsforce website: www.ourskillsforce.co.uk/find-support-in-your-area


John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.