Multisport WC Flyer


Here is the timetable


Date Sport Contact
31st January Chair Skills John De’Courcy
7th February Chair Skills John De’Courcy
14th February Chair Skills John De’Courcy
21st February HOLIDAY NA
28th February Lothian Disability Badminton Lyndon Williams
7th  March Lothian Disability Badminton Lyndon Williams
14th   March Lothian Disability Badminton Lyndon Williams
21st March Lothian Phoenix Basketball Niall Ritchie
28th March Lothian Phoenix Basketball Niall Ritchie
4th April HOLIDAY NA
11th April HOLIDAY NA
18th April HOLIDAY NA
25th April Lothian Phoenix Basketball Niall Ritchie
2nd May Athletics Celia Peerless TBC
9th May Athletics Celia Peerless TBC
16th May Athletics Celia Peerless TBC
23rd May Winning Wheels Tennis Anna Myatt & Sugantha
30th May Winning Wheels Tennis Anna Myatt & Sugantha
6th June Winning Wheels Tennis Anna Myatt & Sugantha

























Please distribute to anyone who may be interested.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.