Wet Edinburgh 3


Safer streets – Parkour – Coffee – Leith Late Shutter Project – New Exhibition at Collective Gallery 

The council’s Transport committee voted through a new local transport plan for the next five years when they met yesterday. Part of the vision includes a desire to reduce carbon emissions, and coupled with that is an important proposal to consult on reducing the speed in city centre streets for environmental and safety reasons. It is not yet a reality but the details of streets which might be included in the 20 mph scheme will be reported back to the committee in May 2014. Meanwhile other roads into the city will remain at either 30mph or 40mph such as Queensferry Road which is regarded as a main approach road into the city.


The Glasgow Parkour Girls will be in town this evening to show Edinburgh girls how it’s done. They have a Facebook page here where you can join the event.

This is what it is all about:-“This regular training session is a perfect opportunity for having a go at parkour, or developing your training, in a supportive, women*-only environment. Many women find this is a less daunting way to start training, and it’s heaps of fun too!

It’s not a class, so the structure is flexible. There will be experienced women there to show you to the basics, and give some structure to the sessions. There will be a warm-up together, an introduction to some of the fundamentals of training, maybe some games, and a wee conditioning session too!

The training is free and open to women* and girls* of all ages, abilities fitness and experience. Especially if it’s your first time!! Come along and have a jump!!

Meet at Bristo Square in Edinburgh at 1830, on Wednesday January 15 for the first one. This is a fortnightly training session, every other Wednesday.”


Is your coffee this morning Fair Trade or just plain ordinary? Is it a latte you hanker after or a wee flat white? Or do you drink black? Do you have a favourite mug or is it always a paper cup from a takeaway?

Do share your coffee snaps with us this morning!

Upload your photos videos or text telling us about your preferences on EdinburghReportage


LeithLate has announced the second phase of the Shutter Project, a public arts initiative in Leith, Edinburgh that matches up emerging artists and local Leith businesses to create a bespoke work of art, to be displayed on the shutter of the business outside opening hours.  The second phase of The Shutter Project will involve the installation of a further 3 artworks in addition to the existing 6 artworks completed to date.

The first shutter artwork will be installed by Omar Zingaro Bhatia, (winner of The Skinny Award at the RSA New Contemporaries in 2010), whose Spuriosity Shop installation in Leith Walk Barbers was a highlight of LeithLate13.  Omar recently completed a 19m long mural in a Roma/Gypsy village in the far north of Hungary, whereas his Leith artwork will be on the shutter of Café Nemrut, a Turkish restaurant based at 255 Leith Walk.  Work will start on the first shutter in Feb/March 2014, with the remaining two shutters to be completed prior to the LeithLate14 event in June.
