Scots band The Proclaimers will be given the ‘Warhol’ treatment this month when an image of the twins will be used for a series of free screen-printing workshops being held at the Scottish Parliament. These sessions are running as part of the new ‘Andy Warhol: Pop, Power and Politics’ exhibition which runs until Sunday 3 November.

Run by the Fife Dunfermline Printmakers Workshop and supported by the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, the workshops will provide an insight into Warhol’s technique and offer an opportunity to see how his iconic images were produced.

The Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Tricia Marwick MSP said:-“The Proclaimers are one of Scotland’s best loved music acts and I am sure our visitors will enjoy seeing Craig and Charlie reproduced in Warhol’s distinctive style whilst learning about how he took an industrial process and applied it to his art.”

Carnegie Dunfermline Trust and Chairman, Robin Watson said:-“It was one of our sister Carnegie institutions which provided Andy Warhol with the free opportunity to study his art in Pittsburgh. We are delighted that The Proclaimers are now supporting us to support the Dunfermline Printmakers Workshop to show for free what Warhol might have done with their image, and how he did it.”

Craig and Charlie Reid said:-“Many thanks to the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, Scottish Parliament and all involved in putting together this great exhibition and workshops. It is an honour to be ‘Warholised’ and our best wishes towards the success of the events.”

The Edinburgh Reporter was at the Parilament last week to see the exhibition which is now open:-

Booking information for the workshops
The workshops will take place on the weekends of 19, 20, 26, 27 October and 2, 3 November.  They will be run from 11.00 am – 4.00pm.    The free demonstrations will last 30 minutes each.   Booking is recommended as places are limited to 30 people for each demonstration.  To book telephone 0131 348 5454, stating required number of places.  The workshops are open to all ages.

Booking information for the exhibition
Booking for ‘Andy Warhol: Pop, Power and Politics’ exhibition is recommended as tickets will be administered by a specific start time to the viewing (unrestricted end time) and can be done via:
• the online form via the Parliament website
• a dedicated telephone line on 0131 348 5454 – the telephone number references the famous New York nightclub, Studio 54, which Warhol frequented regularly during the 70s and 80s
• emailing