
Carnegie Seminars at Holyrood – Rat Race next week – Andy Warhol – Edinburgh to Southampton coach drivers are the best – Today at the Cameo

Next week a series of events led by global experts will be held at the Scottish Parliament and form part of a festival exploring the legacy of Scots-born philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.

Some of the eminent speakers, debating topics from education to peace and from ethics to the environment, include:

Professor Iain Stewart, the geoscientist, author and TV presenter behind programmes such as Earth: The Power of the Planet and The Climate Years

Lord Stewart Sutherland, former Chief Inspector of Schools for England and Wales and Vice-Chancellor of the University of London

Professor Louise Richardson, Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of St Andrews, awarded the Sumner Prize for work towards the prevention of war and the establishment of universal peace

Professor Martyn Wade, Chief Executive and National Librarian at the National Library of Scotland

David Rodin, co-director of the Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict at the University of Oxford.

Angus Hogg, chair of the Carnegie UK Trust, said:-“Encouraging debate on key issues lies at the heart of our Trust’s mission. Importantly, they are also topics which drove Andrew Carnegie on his quest to improve the wellbeing of society a century ago.

“We are very excited to welcome such an interesting and informed group of speakers to the festival. Their presence and the nature of the discussions, ensures that these challenging issues continue to be debated.”

Click here for booking details for the events which are free.


Next Sunday the city will once again be turned into a giant assault course on Sunday 20 October 2013, with 3500 runners expected to take part – the highest number yet –  in Rat Race Urban Adventure.

Now in its fourth year, the innovative format sees competitors tackling a 10km running route interspersed with obstacle zones throughout the city centre.

If you are taking part good luck! Further information about the event can be found on the official website atwww.mhsurvival.co.uk, including training information, videos and pricing. Entries can be made online through the website and are open until Wednesday 16th October.

Edinburgh 9.1





Scots band The Proclaimers will be given the ‘Warhol’ treatment this month when an image of the twins will be used for a series of free screen-printing workshops being held at the Scottish Parliament. These sessions are running as part of the new ‘Andy Warhol:  Pop, Power and Politics’ exhibition which runs until Sunday 3 November.


Run by the Fife Dunfermline Printmakers Workshop and supported by the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, the workshops will provide an insight into Warhol’s technique and offer an opportunity to see how his iconic images were produced.

Booking information for the workshops

The workshops will take place on the weekends of 19, 20, 26, 27 October and 2, 3 November.  They will be run from 11.00 am – 4.00pm.    The free demonstrations will last 30 minutes each.   Booking is recommended as places are limited to 30 people for each demonstration.  To book telephone 0131 348 5454, stating required number of places.  The workshops are open to all ages.

Booking information for the exhibition

Booking for ‘Andy Warhol: Pop, Power and Politics’ exhibition is recommended as tickets will be administered by a specific start time to the viewing (unrestricted end time) and can be done via:


A pair of Scottish coach drivers have been recognised as the best in the business by National Express.


The drivers have been awarded for going the extra mile to ensure their passengers get a first class service, beating off tough competition from around the UK!

Co-drivers John Hutchinson and Gordon Douglas, who drive the 539 service from Edinburgh to Southampton, were presented with certificates and rewarded for their fantastic approach to customer service.


The awards were made as part of National Express’ Customer Service Week, held last week, to recognise staff who demonstrate an exemplary approach to helping customers.


John and Gordon were put forward straight away by their Shotts-based colleagues at Bruce Coaches in Scotland, when nominations for the awards were taken.


They were commended for always being polite, friendly and engaging, but they stood out for going that bit further for always making sure their passengers’ journeys are as comfortable as possible.


Colleagues told of how John and Gordon have clubbed together to get food and drink for diabetic customers in need, they have arranged for a customer’s wallet, passport and rucksack that he’d left in a restaurant to be delivered to his hotel, and they will also do their best to help passengers who have tight connections on local bus services by escorting them to their bus.


Dad of three John, 47, who lives in Motherwell, said: “I was really surprised, I wasn’t expecting this. Our philosophy is that you put yourself in your passengers’ shoes and help them as much as possible. Our passengers are brilliant, so any problems we have are left at the door of the coach. If you greet everyone with a smile it solves problems before they occur.”


Gordon, 50, of Shotts, who also has three children said: “John and I have been driving for National Express for three years. Drivers are at the front line of the company and often we’re the first point of contact for help. Whatever it is, we maintain the ethos that you treat people as you’d like to be treated and smile – it doesn’t cost anything to smile.”


National Express UK Coach Managing Director Tom Stables said: “Customer Service Week is all about recognising excellent customer service – John and Gordon are shining examples of this. Customer satisfaction is a top priority for us and that’s why we’re so proud of John and Gordon who have shown just how much they care and how far they will go to help their passengers.”


Today at the Cameo two of the films on offer are Edinburgh based. How we love to say that. Filth and Sunshine on Leith are packing the cinemas. We saw Sunshine on Leith last weekend and the only words are uplifting, wonderful and feel good. And the music is pretty good too! All details are here.