Angels of the NorthAngels of the North, Canongate Kirk, 9 to 12 August (various times), £7 (£5.50/£3.50 concessions)

Watch the skies!  Enkelit (Finnish for ‘angels’) are bringing an unusual and distinctively Nordic flavour to a cappella music at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival with extraordinary, new music from Finland. Little known in the UK, this vibrant choral tradition invites audiences to experience the shifting colours and moods of a dramatic and often spine tingling vocal landscape. Characterised by longing, beauty and melancholy, Enkelit’s atmospheric repertoire tells timeless stories of love, loss and yearning.

More surprising still than the twists and turns taken by Enkelit’s evocative music is the fact that none of the group is Finnish. These angels hail from locations across the north of England. As the only UK upper voice choir to specialise in contemporary music from Finland, Enkelit are passionate about sharing their Scandinavian repertoire with the home audiences for whom these magical songs are seldom performed.