
Contributed article

Minister for Youth Employment meets RoS Modern Apprentices

A group of Modern Apprentices (MAs) working at Registers of Scotland (RoS) were given the opportunity to meet the Minister for Youth Employment, Angela Constance MSP recently. Ms Constance visited the RoS offices at Meadowbank House, Edinburgh to hear more about the work carried out by the organisation and the role of the MAs.

The Minister was given a short tour of the building and an overview of the work of RoS by the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland, Sheenagh Adams. Ms Constance addressed the MAs and spent time discussing their experience of working at RoS and participating in the organisationā€™s first Modern Apprenticeship Programme.

Angela Constance, Minister for Youth Employment, said: ā€œMy message to employers has consistently been to make young people their business. Registers of Scotland deserve great credit for creating Modern Apprenticeship opportunities to give young people the chance to make their mark within a large and respected organisation. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting young people who have an exciting career path with Registers of Scotland and learning about the breadth of work they are doing.

ā€œThe Scottish Government is committed to offering 25,000 new Modern Apprenticeship starts in each year of the current Parliament as part of a full range of activity to support more young people into work. Supporting young people into jobs is a top priority for the Scottish Government and we will continue doing all we can to improve the employment options available to young people.ā€

Keeper of the Registers of Scotland, Sheenagh Adams commented: ā€œWe are deeply committed to the Scottish Governmentā€™s Youth Employment Strategy and the Modern Apprenticeship scheme. Our MAs are receiving on-the-job training in a number of business areas and getting the opportunity to gain a nationally-recognised qualification while in paid employment.

ā€œOur involvement with the Modern Apprenticeship scheme has been extremely positive and I would thoroughly recommend other organisations to sign up. The 14 MAs, who began in February, represent a fresh wave of talent and skills, and are a highly welcome addition to the team here at RoS.ā€

Aaron Goodall (18) was one of the MAs who met with Ms Constance. Following the visit he remarked: ā€œIt was great to get the opportunity to talk to the Minister about being part of the MA programme here at RoS. For me, one of the best things about the scheme is getting a qualification while working and earning a salary. Iā€™ve been here a couple of months now and have already completed the first part of the SVQ. Iā€™d definitely recommend a Modern Apprenticeship to other people my age.ā€

Image 1: RoS Modern Apprentices with Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance
(L-R) Aaron Goodall (18), Mark Cassidy (19), Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance, Louise Walker (16), Mhairi McGlashan (18) Rebecca Howden (17), Mhairi McGlashan (18)

Image 2: (L-R) Keeper of the Registers of Scotland Sheenagh Adams, Head of Training Sharon Wilson, Mark Cassidy (19), Aaron Goodall (18), Director of HR & Estates Billy Harkness, Rebecca Howden (17), Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance, Louise Walker (16), Mhairi McGlashan (18), Head of HR Gayle Devlin.

Submitted by Kat MacMillan
