Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following an assault and robbery over the weekend on a young woman on her way to work.

The incident happened around 5.30am yesterday 2 June 2013 in Ardmillan Terrace.

A 23-year-old woman was making her way to work and had just passed the entrance to the cemetery when she walked by three men sitting on a bench.

After walking on for a short distance, the woman was struck from behind and fell to the ground, at which time she was robbed of her watch and a two-figure sum of cash.

The victim then contacted police and was checked over at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh before being discharged.

Officers are now urging anyone who can assist with their enquiries to come forward.

In particular, they are keen to speak to the three men the victim passed prior to the attack.

They are all described as white and in their late twenties. One had a slight build and short dark blond hair, while the other two had short dark hair. It is believed one of the dark-haired men was also wearing a grey coloured top.

A Police Scotland spokesman said:- “Fortunately the young woman was not seriously hurt following this incident. However, this was very distressing for her and she was extremely upset at the theft of her belongings.

“Anyone who was in the Ardmillan Terrace area at around 5.30am on Sunday morning and remembers seeing anything suspicious is asked to contact police immediately.

“Similarly anyone with any other information that can assist with our enquiries, or who recognises the description of the men on the bench is also asked to come forward.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.