NSPCC Scotland is challenging people across Edinburgh and the Lothians to test their nerve next month with a charity abseil from the iconic Forth Rail Bridge.

The 165 ft abseil will take place on Sunday May 19, and gives participants the unique challenge of descending from the famous bridge onto the beach below.  A team of highly skilled instructors will be on hand at all times to ensure the experience is as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Last year a team of twelve from the First Scotrail Training Academy in Glasgow took up the challenge, together raising over £2,500 for NSPCC Scotland.

First Scotrail’s Jamie Proudfoot said:- “I was so proud of everyone in our team for the enthusiasm and bravery they demonstrated. The abseil itself was such an incredible thrill. I was terrified when it came to taking my first step off the bridge, but by the time my feet were back on the ground I was ready to do it all over again! The staff on-hand throughout the day were fantastic, and really made us feel at ease.”

Nadia Whitmore, NSPCC Scotland community fundraising manager, said:-“This is set to be an adrenaline-fuelled event for all those who are up for the challenge. We also hope it will raise much-needed funds to help support our services in Scotland, which bring help, advice and treatment to families of children at risk or to children who have been abused.”

To take part, you are asked to pay £20 and raise a minimum sponsorship of £150. This event is open to anyone aged 16 and over, though parental consent will be required for anyone under-18 who wishes to take part.  No previous experience is necessary.

To sign up for the abseil challenge visit http://bit.ly/UtpqDl, email scotlandevents@nspcc.org.uk or phone 0844 892 0212.

You can make a £4 donation to support the NSPCC’s work in Scotland by texting CARE to 70744.