Dalmeny Primary School in conjunction with The City of Edinburgh Councils Museum’s Outreach and Access department displayed a fabulous exhibition recently.

The exhibition looked at toys and games in the past and especially from World War II. The children chose museum objects (from the Museum of Childhood and the People’s Story Museums) to put on display and wrote the labels for the exhibition. They also created their own artworks and a film showing the experiences of people in Dalmeny during WWII. Although the exhibition was initially open to the public at the school, a smaller version is now on display at South Queensferry Library.


I met up with Diana Morton the Museums and Galleries Outreach and Access Manager who told me more about it.


Diana said:- “It has been great working with the school and meeting some of the people from the local community who came by to see the exhibition.




Married Father of Three Great Children, Radio Presenting and Article/Review Writing As A Hobby. Lover Of Music and Like To Think I'm A Decent Guy.