A 26-year-old man who murdered a Polish man in his own flat in Edinburgh has been sentenced.

Maciej Ciania (34) pictured above was found dead in the address in Dickson Street on 14th January 2012.  He had suffered multiple stab wounds in an attack by his former friend, Grzegorz Gamla, who is also Polish.

Grzegorz Gamla

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Gamla received a life sentence, with a recommendation he serve a minimum of 19 years.

He had been previously found guilty of murder at the High Court on December 20 last year.  He was also found guilty of assault to severe injury for a previous assault on Mr Ciania.

The discovery of Mr Ciania’s body led to a murder enquiry that involved over 60 officers, and Lothian and Borders Police worked with Eastern European communities in the Capital as well as Polish authorities as part of the investigation.

Detective Chief Inspector Keith Hardie, from Lothian and Borders Police, said:- “Maciej Ciania’s family have lost a much-loved son and brother and experienced a truly terrible and life-changing ordeal.

“While nothing can compensate them for the pain they have endured, it is my hope that today’s sentence offers his family some form of closure.

“I am grateful to the Polish authorities who, along with Lothian and Borders Police and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, assisted in securing the timely arrest of Gregorz Gamla in Poland.

“The support provided to Lothian and Borders Police from the Polish community in Edinburgh, particularly from local churches and Polish support organizations, was also crucial in our investigation, and I would like to once again express my gratitude for this assistance.”